

PO Box 130
East Chatham, NY, U.S.A. 12060-0130

Librería en AbeBooks desde 13 de abril de 1998

Valoración del vendedor:

Valoración 3 estrellas, Learn more about seller ratings

Sobre este vendedor

Librarium (a Latin word meaning "bookcase") is a second-hand bookstore in upstate New York, open since 1979. We have an open shop, and browsers are always welcome! You may want to call before you come for hours and/or directions. We are 2-1/2 hours from both New York City and Boston, less than 5 minutes from the northernmost exit on the Taconic State Parkway and exit B2 on the Berkshire Extension of the Mass Pike, not far from Albany, NY and Pittsfield, MA. We have a large general hardcover stock, with some trade paperbound titles and paperbacks. We have a good selection of poetry, art, and children's books, but also have something in almost every subject, fiction and non-fiction. There is also a barn full of books, most of which are $2.00 and under, for browsing in the summertime only. We have picnic tables out under the apple trees in the summer, too - if you bring your lunch you are welcome to use them. Feel free to contact us at (518) 392-5209 or, if you have any questions about our shop or our books. Thank you!

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Condiciones de venta

Please feel free to call or email with any questions or concerns - we are very friendly here! Prices are net to all. Books are subject to previous sale; please contact us for availability before sending payment. PAYMENT: We accept credit cards (AMERICAN EXPRESS, VISA, and MASTERCARD) as well as PayPal; checks and money orders are accepted for United States orders only. Please pay for orders shipped outside of the US with a credit card. Libraries can be invoiced. SHIPPING: Shipping for one book i...

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Condiciones de envío

Shipping is $4.00 for Media Mail and $2.00 for each additional book. Please check with me for any other rates, including insurance, Priority Mail and international shipping. Shipping costs are based on books weighing 2.2 LB, or 1 KG. If your book order is heavy or oversized, we may contact you to let you know how much extra shipping is required.