Type & Forme ABA, PBFA, ILAB

Type & Forme ABA, PBFA, ILAB

Office No 4, Grantham Museum
St Peter's Hill Grantham, United Kingdom NG31 6PY

+44 7933597798

Librería en AbeBooks desde 5 de febrero de 2018

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¶¶¶Type & Forme ABA, PBFA, ILAB, established by Mark James FLS and Anke Timmermann PhD (Cantab.), FLS, specialises in rare and antiquarian books and manuscripts relating to travel; natural history; science and medicine; food and drink; English and international literature; early printing; private press and artists' books; performing arts; and bibliography. We also advise on auctions and undertake commission bids, and assist with collection development and management. ¶¶¶Mark James was formerly an Associate Director in the Book Department at Christie's, Head of General Book Sales at Sotheby's, and Head of Travel Books at (successively) Henry Sotheran Ltd and Bernard Quaritch Ltd. ¶¶¶Dr Anke Timmermann was the Munby Fellow in Bibliography at the University of Cambridge (2013-2014). She was previously Senior Historian and then Associate Director of the Beckman Center for the History of Chemistry (Chemical Heritage Foundation, Philadelphia, 2007-2009), and then co-editor of Glasgow University's edition of 'The Letters of Bess of Hardwick', and curator of the exhibition 'Unsealed: The Letters of Bess of Hardwick' (Hardwick Hall and The National Archives, 2011-2012). In 2014 she moved from academia into the rare book trade, and was an antiquarian bookseller at Bernard Quaritch Ltd until 2017. ¶¶¶We only list a selection of our stock online -- please do not hesitate to contact us with your desiderata. ¶¶¶Correspondence in English and German. ¶¶¶For more information and additional photographs, please contact us at enquiries@typeandforme.com or visit our website: www.typeandforme.com.

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